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10/18 Cooking Troop Meeting

  • Chris Shi 

Troop 57 met for a special cooking meeting held at the scout house. At this troop meeting, scouts will learn how to set up camp stoves, backpacking stoves, and griddles. Scouts also had the opportunity to cook a multitude of items on every type of stove to get a hands-on experience. (Adapted from announcement email)

Pancake Station

There were multiple stations, including a quesadilla station where scouts learned to use propane flat-top griddles to cook. Some scouts had fun with this station and made all sorts of amalgamations of cheese and tortillas. A favorite of the scouts seemed to be the pancake-making station, where mini pancakes were cooked on a propane flat top. They had a variety of toppings to choose from, including chocolate chips and whipped cream. Another station with sweets was the trail mix station, held indoors. Scouts learned how to make their trail mix bags from a variety of ingredients, and played a fun game of musical chairs. Finally, there was also an innovative and educational station that taught scouts to use camping stoves, liquid fuel, and jet burners. To top it all off, this station also had ramen for the scouts to eat.