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All Troop Outing Spring 2021

There will be an all troop outing this weekend on April 24th and 25th. We will be hosting a hybrid scavenger hunt. Scouts in every patrol will participate in taking photos of items inside and outside their houses. The points you earn will contribute to the total point of your patrol. In the end, every patrol will win prizes based on their relative ranking, so participation is highly recommended

There will be a kick-off meeting from 10:30AM-11:00AM on Saturday 4/24. We will share the instructions and rules with everyone during this meeting. Due to this activity’s involvement with teamwork, it is encouraged that each patrol host their own meetings to discuss their plan and strategy afterwards. On Sunday 4/25 from 2:30PM-3:30PM, we will have our “finish-line” meeting. While some members of the PLC tally scores, there will be a presentation by the historians including a fun Kahoot (which will give bonus points to the winning individuals for their patrol). Near the end, the rankings of each patrol will be announced along with their prizes. 
We will use the same zoom link for both meetings. 

Be there!